A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
Use if the question you're asking is designed to reflect different opinions or best-practices on a particular topic, with the goal of reaching community consensus.
Questions for when you need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
For questions regarding tag on the main (non-meta) site.
Questions regarding an error or unexpected behaviour in the system that needs to be fixed.
with topics related to moderator elections.
Use if you want to ask about an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.
Use when asking whether a question on PA.SE is on-topic.
when you ask a question on the meta that is referencing question(s) on the Proof Assistants main site.
Used for asking questions to the moderators, or the moderation of the site. As the site is in private beta, there are currently no moderators.
Use when asking whether a question on PA.SE is off-topic.
For questions discussing the scope of the site, including what is on or off topic.
Tag synonyms are 2 tags that have the same meaning.
Questions relating to other questions asked by you, or another user.
to query the community on the specifics of a particular question asked on the Proof Assistants main site or its Meta.
For questions about the badge system on the Stack Exchange network. Badges are awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.
Questions regarding the Area 51 proposal for this site.
Questions to do with the process of gaining rewards through reputation.
Stack Exchange Chat, especially the main Proof Assistants chatroom
Indicates that the reported behavior is intentional and not subject to change